World Mental health day


October 10 2021 World Mental health Day

Sunday 10 October was World Mental Health Day. No better way to mark it and help raise awareness than a steady social ride out to G!RO Cycles in Surrey and back to Vermuteria.

If I’m being honest I was blown away and somewhat humbled that so many people joined us. As always whenever I’ve put an event on I love hearing about the conversations people have when they’re out on the bike. That’s what ASCND is all about, encouraging conversations and helping people realise they’re not alone. On some level over the past couple of years we’ve all had to look inwardly or faced challenges with lockdowns and isolation. Rides like Sunday aren’t about Strava, watts or smashing it, they’re about sharing and meeting people who’ve faced similar challenges and experiences and I hope everyone was able to take something positive from the day.

Thanks to everyone who attended. Watch this space for future events or sign up to the newsletter to find out more.

Nick Frendo

Images courtesy of Gareth Winter, Peter Clarkson and Nick Frendo