Nick Frendo
Nick Frendo
The Dolomites are where Nick decided to begin this journey of fundraising and raising awareness, hence it’s perfect that he comes back here for his final effort of this year. It’s been a year of growth; this venture is helping him as much as it’s aiming to help anyone else.
The drive behind this project is born out of Nick’s own battle with his own mental health. It’s been a near-lifelong struggle for Nick and has resulted in two attempts to take his own life. The Nick Frendo that has come out of that experience is a stronger, more open Nick Frendo, and one that wants to share his experience to help others.,
It’s kind of my way forward. By doing the things I do, if it helps one person pick up the phone, speak to a friend, send a text, whatever it is, then it’s all good. That’s the motivation for me now; I feel like I’ve found my focus and what I want to do.
Despite being a tool now for him to get his message out, the bike hasn’t always been an escape. During the darkest period of his mental illness, running his own cycling touring company, Sommet Cycling, meant that he had no escape from the sport.
My life was cycling, my job was cycling, my hobby was cycling, everything I did was cycling. So, when one of those aspects wasn’t going well, it just added to all my worries. I think I used to use it as a reason to escape or run away, whereas now it’s quite the opposite. I use it to open up to people and get my message out.
The challenge on World Suicide Prevention Day captures the essence of what Nick is trying to do. It’s bold, it’s epic, and it’s beautiful.
That’s kind of what cycling is for me. You go around a hairpin, and this valley opens up and takes your breath away. I’m Constantly hunting for those moments.
ASCND. What inspired it.
After eighteen months of fundraising for Movember and two massive rides under my belt I soon realised I could help others. I brought together a few friends, Paul Evans, Martijn Van strien, Francis Cade and Chris Hall to help share stories and to help reach more people like me before it’s too late.
What does the next year hold for you all?
We are hoping to bring more people in and to tell more stories. We’ll be looking to partner up with various brands, shops and cafés all over Europe and beyond to host rides and events. June see’s us take on a massive ride over most of europe’s most iconic climbs, approximately 3000 km and 50,000 metres of elevation.
This interview was by Josh Duggan for MAAP