Our Mission
Globally 1 man dies every minute from suicide.
My name is Nick Frendo. I’m a cyclist, tour guide and mental health ambassador for Movember. I have a history of mental health illness and have decided to share my experience to inspire people to get help before they reach a crisis point. The response has been humbling, surprising and has inspired me to do lots more.
My experience taught me how important it is to open up and talk. In 2017 I attempted suicide twice. I isolated myself, ran away and put a mask on to hide behind. I didn’t want anyone to know what I was going through, I thought it made me look weak and I felt ashamed. I was lucky enough to get help and I got better. Because of this, I decided to try and help others through my experiences. I found cycling helped improve my mental health and started to use it to get my message out there.
Cycling is unique in that it has the ability to strip you down, emotionally and physically, people laugh, cry (pain and happiness) , talk, admit when they need help getting home after a long day or are struggling mid ride. There is also the fact that you can spend hours on a ride sitting next to someone, talking, looking straight ahead, eyes hidden behind your sunglasses. Cycling enables people to talk and share.
Cycling is still a predominantly male activity and I feel men are less willing to be open and share. Men are less likely to talk and share than women, 75% of suicides globally are men. I want to help others who have felt like I did
I now want to show people that talking works and you’re not alone.