The New Normal Charity
Jack and Ben met in 2016, three years after the death of Jack’s 18-stone bodybuilder dad, Dave. While cutting Jack’s b hair in his barbershop in North West London, Ben explained that he was also faced with the stark reality of a life without his father- after the terminal cancer diagnosis of his dad, Steve- a bricklayer known for his ability to lay 1000 bricks a day.
The boys bonded over shared interests, shared stories and experiences- and most of all, their shared love and respect for the men that made them. The similarities between Dave and Steve were not missed by the new friends- and so began the start of what would be a lifechanging relationship for the pair.
After Steve’s death, the boys decided that they wanted to take the conversation of their dads out to the wider community. And over hotdogs in Hoxton, The New Normal charity and their ‘Good Grief’ support groups were born- where grievers are encouraged to share stories and experiences of their grief journeys and their lost loved ones in an attempt to empower those left behind.
Running since May 2018, TNN has hosted over 200 peer-to-peer support sessions aimed at normalising the conversations around grief. Connecting more than 1000 people from all over the world, 2020 saw the charity’s biggest growth year to date- with plans to add further mental health and grief groups to their arsenal soon.
I attended a number of their “Boys Talk” meetings and each time came away thinking about things other people had said, those things stuck with me and are a large part of why I’m now feeling happier and more balanced.
I’ve benefitted hugely from their work and can’t recommend the meetings enough. If you’re struggling to find help or you’re feeling lost, isolated or worried about what those closest to you might think or say or traditional forms of therapy aren’t working for you.
For the month of May I’m supporting the charity and raising money to help them. I’ll be hosting a number of events including rides and raffles. The proceeds from sales of our Rapha Jersey and ASCND coffee will be going to them along with a raffle to win some Mason x Hunt wheels, Karl Kopinski original painting, the jersey, and a service from Strype Street Cycles,
We’ve also shot a film to highlight their work and the benefits of talking openly and how cycling can spark meaningful conversations due out May 10, the start of Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK.
To enter the raffle simply donate £10 to the charity HERE screenshot your receipt and email to me HERE